our products

Agknx Clamp Manufacturer and exporter of hose clamps, and a leading supplier of engineering connection solutions for the automotive and non-automotive industries in Germany and around the world​​​ 1968The series we provide include V-belt clamps, T-bolt clamps, worm drive clamps and many more products.In addition, our products are appreciated for their ease of use, high strength and long service life.   
Leading manufacturer of heavy-duty worm drive clamps, MS clamps, spring insert worm clamps, SS clamps and serrated clamps.
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Provide you with a complete product selection, including SLTB, TBolt clamps, T-bolt clamps, barrel clamps and heavy-duty spring-loaded T-bolt clamps.
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Leading manufacturer of VBand fixtures, quick release V-belt fixtures and quick release VBand fixtures.
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From a well-known and leading manufacturer, we provide SS mini clips.
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Our product range includes various single ear clips.
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Provide you with a complete product selection, including spring clips.
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Our product range includes a variety of hubless coupling clamps.
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Manufacturers of various products including screw clamps.
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